ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | Dinesh D'Souza and Dan Barker | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | |
2. | Dinesh D'Souza and Dan Barker | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | |
3. | Dinesh D'Souza and Dan Barker | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | |
4. | William Lane Craig and Peter Slezak | Atheism vs. Christianity Debate | | |
5. | Cliffe Knechtle and Michael Newdow | Atheism versus Christianity Debate Feb 2003 | Atheism versus Christianity Debate Feb 2003 | |
6. | R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The New Atheism And The Future Of Christianity | Dallas Seminary Chapel | |
7. | R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The New Atheism And The Future Of Christianity | Dallas Seminary Chapel | |
8. | William Lane Craig and Frank Zindler | Atheism versus Christianity June 1993 | Atheism versus Christianity June 1993 | |
9. | Norman Geisler and Paul Kurtz | Debate: Christianity vs. Secular Humanism | | |
10. | William Lane Craig and Jamal Badawi | Islam versus Christianity Debate | Islam versus Christianity Debate | |
11. | William Lane Craig and Shabir Ally | Debate: The Concept Of God In Islam and Christianity | | |
12. | William Lane Craig and Jamal Badawi | Islam versus Christianity Debate | Islam versus Christianity Debate | |
13. | David Young | 2008-11-30: Authentic Christianity in Action | Grand Avenue Baptist Church 2008 | |
14. | Richard Weikart and Hector Avalos | Darwin and Hitler Debate 2008 | Darwin and Hitler Debate 2008 | |
15. | Richard Weikart and Hector Avalos | Darwin and Hitler Debate 2008 | Darwin and Hitler Debate 2008 | |
16. | Greg Szymanski | 0219-2008-LRN-Hr1-Hr2-Part 1-Eric Jon Phelps and Leo Zagami debate | Inv Journal Feb 2008 | |
17. | Greg Szymanski | 0226-2008-LRN-Hr1-Hr2-Part 2-Eric Jon Phelps and Leo Zagami debate | Inv Journal Feb 2008 | |
18. | President George W. Bush | President Bush Attends United Nations High-Level Debate on Interfaith Dialogue - November 13, 2008 | Presidential Speeches & Remarks | |
19. | Thomas C. Oden | Libyan Christianity 3: Christianity from Marmarica to Tripolitania | Dallas Seminary Chapel | |
20. | Scott Hahn and Benjamin Wiker | Answering the New Atheism | Answering the New Atheism | |
21. | Darris McNeely | Beyond Today: The New Atheism | 2007 Beyond Today | |
22. | Monkey Business | Pop is Porn (Atheism Is Not...) | | |
23. | R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The New Atheism And The Assault On Theism | Dallas Seminary Chapel | |
24. | R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The New Atheism And The Defense Of Theism | Dallas Seminary Chapel | |
25. | R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The New Atheism And The Assault On Theism | Dallas Seminary Chapel | |
26. | R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The New Atheism And The Defense Of Theism | Dallas Seminary Chapel | |
27. | R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The New Atheism And The Endgame Of Secularism | Dallas Seminary Chapel | |
28. | R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The New Atheism And The Endgame Of Secularism | Dallas Seminary Chapel | |
29. | Dr William Lane Craig | Arguments for Theism & Atheism | ELF 2004 Phil & Scientific Apl | |
30. | Rev Dr Randolph WB Becker | ATHEISM - the faith that dares not speak its name | | |